1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
| def inference_topkp_sampling_batch(self, phone, spkr, phone_mask, prior=None, output_alignment=False): batch_size = phone.size(0) final_outputs = [0 for _ in range(batch_size)] spkr = self.layer_norm_spkr(spkr.unsqueeze(1)) inp = self.layer_norm(self.transducer.start_token(phone.device)) #1, 1, C # print(inp) # print(inp.shape) # [1, 1, 768] # start_token 是 161 inp = inp.expand(batch_size, -1, -1) #N, 1, C inp = torch.cat([spkr, inp], 1) # 嵌入 spkr
prior_size = 0 if prior is not None: prior = self.transducer.encode(prior) prior = self.layer_norm(prior) prior_size = prior.size(1) inp = torch.cat([inp, prior], 1) # 加入静音片段作为 Prompt phone = self.encode_phone(phone, spkr, phone_mask) tgt_mask = self.tgt_mask[:inp.size(1), :inp.size(1)].to(inp.device) inps = inp #Decode past_kvs1, past_kv_cross, past_kvs2, clusters = None, None, None, torch.empty([batch_size, 0, self.hp.n_cluster_groups], device=phone.device, dtype=torch.long) audio_alibi = self.alibi(inp) audio_alibi[:, 0] = 0 audio_alibi[:, :, 0] = 0 back_map = torch.zeros([batch_size, 1], device=phone.device, dtype=torch.long) # 和 batch_size 为行的 0 向量
length_counter = torch.zeros([batch_size], device=phone.device, dtype=torch.long) real_phone_lengths = (~phone_mask).long().sum(-1) #N, if output_alignment: assert batch_size == 1, "Now only support output alignment for bs = 1 for debugging issues..." alignment = torch.zeros((1, self.hp.max_output_length, self.hp.max_output_length), device=phone.device) for i in range(self.hp.max_output_length): cond, _, _, new_1 = self.decoder(inp, memory=None, attn_bias=audio_alibi, tgt_mask=tgt_mask, past_kvs=past_kvs1) # cond.shape: [B, 5, 768], 5 分别是 spk, 开始token 和 3个 Prompt
#Only feed in the current frame and the next frame attending! t_length, c_length = phone.size(1), phone.size(2) # T, C=768 selected_phone = phone.reshape(-1, c_length) #N*T, C index_map = torch.arange(self.hp.phone_context_window, device=phone.device) # [0, 1, 2] index_map = back_map[:, -1:] + index_map.repeat(batch_size, 1) # back_map 最后一列 + index_map # 这里应该是求 单调对齐的
add = torch.arange(batch_size, device=index_map.device).unsqueeze(1) #N, 1
index_map = index_map + add * t_length # 由于处理过程中将 batch 拉平了,所以 index 需要特殊处理 index_map = index_map.reshape(-1) #N * 3 # phone 是被拉长了的! selected_phone = selected_phone[index_map].reshape(batch_size, self.hp.phone_context_window, c_length) #N*3, C #Mask for the starting phones phone_mask = torch.arange(self.hp.phone_context_window, device=phone.device).repeat(batch_size, 1) phone_mask = (phone_mask <= (back_map[:, -1:] + 1).expand(-1, self.hp.phone_context_window)) phone_mask = ~phone_mask cond, _align = self.aligner(cond, selected_phone, tgt_mask=tgt_mask, memory_key_padding_mask=phone_mask) # 仅仅利用部分 phone 进行计算,不需要全局的!
cond = cond[:, -1].unsqueeze(1) #N, 1, C
#Run sub-decoder inference output = [] for j in range(self.hp.n_cluster_groups): # 循环预测每一个码本的矢量 q_input = torch.cat(output, 1) if j else None logit = self.transducer.decoder.infer(cond, q_input) #N, n_codes , 9, 163 #Block Start Token logit[:, self.hp.n_codes + 1] = -float("Inf") # 删除没用的标识符号 #Don't output stop token if alignment not near end # print(real_phone_lengths) logit_tmp = logit[back_map[:, -1] < (real_phone_lengths - 2)] # print(back_map) # print(logit_tmp.shape) # raise OSError('end') logit_tmp[:, self.hp.n_codes] = -float("Inf") logit[back_map[:, -1] < (real_phone_lengths - 2)] = logit_tmp #Repetition penalty if self.hp.use_repetition_token and self.hp.repetition_penalty != 1.0: logit[:, self.hp.n_codes + 2] /= self.hp.repetition_penalty if self.hp.use_repetition_gating: logit[:, self.hp.n_codes + 2] = torch.min(torch.max(logit[:, :self.hp.n_codes]), logit[:, self.hp.n_codes + 2]) #Top_p if self.hp.top_p < 1.0 and self.hp.top_p > 0.0: sorted_logits, sorted_idxs = torch.sort(logit, descending=True) cum_probs = torch.cumsum(torch.softmax(sorted_logits, dim=-1), dim=-1) additional_prob = (self.hp.length_penalty_max_prob - self.hp.top_p) * (length_counter / self.hp.length_penalty_max_length) idx_to_remove = cum_probs > (self.hp.top_p + additional_prob).unsqueeze(-1) idx_to_remove[:, :self.hp.min_top_k] = False idx_to_remove = idx_to_remove.scatter(1, sorted_idxs, idx_to_remove) logit[idx_to_remove] = -float("Inf") #Sampling probs = torch.softmax(logit / self.hp.sampling_temperature, dim=-1) idx = torch.multinomial(probs, 1) #N, 1 #If is repetition token if self.hp.use_repetition_token: if clusters.size(1) == 0: #First token, random choice idx[idx==(self.hp.n_codes + 2)] = torch.randint(self.hp.n_codes, size=(1,), device=idx.device) else: idx[idx==(self.hp.n_codes + 2)] = clusters[:, -1:, j][idx==(self.hp.n_codes + 2)] output.append(idx) output = torch.cat(output, 1).unsqueeze(1) #N, 1, n_groups # output: t=1 时刻的矢量
#Stop criterion stopping_streams = (back_map[:, -1] == (real_phone_lengths - self.hp.phone_context_window)) stopping_streams = (stopping_streams & self.transducer.is_end_token_batch(output)) | (stopping_streams & (torch.argmax(_align[:, 0, -1], dim=-1) == self.hp.phone_context_window - 1)) #N, if i == self.hp.max_output_length - 1: stopping_streams[:] = True stopping_streams_idx = np.where(stopping_streams.detach().cpu().numpy())[0] num_stopped = stopping_streams.long().sum().item() if num_stopped > 0: stopped = clusters[stopping_streams] n_seats, stop_seats = 0, 0 for n_s, seat in enumerate(final_outputs): if type(seat) == int: n_seats += 1 if n_seats - 1 in stopping_streams_idx: # print (n_seats, stopping_streams_idx, stopped.size(), stop_seats) final_outputs[n_s] = stopped[stop_seats] stop_seats += 1 n_remained = sum([int(type(x) == int) for x in final_outputs]) if n_remained == 0: break #Trim batches batch_size = batch_size - num_stopped output = output[~stopping_streams] phone = phone[~stopping_streams] real_phone_lengths = real_phone_lengths[~stopping_streams] clusters = clusters[~stopping_streams] back_map = back_map[~stopping_streams] length_counter = length_counter[~stopping_streams] _align = _align[~stopping_streams] news = [inps] + new_1 inps = inps[~stopping_streams] for layer in range(len(news)): news[layer] = news[layer][~stopping_streams] if past_kvs1 is not None: for layer in range(len(past_kvs1)): past_kvs1[layer] = past_kvs1[layer][~stopping_streams]
#Update args tgt_mask = self.tgt_mask[i+3+prior_size, :i+3+prior_size].to(phone.device).unsqueeze(0) audio_alibi = self.alibi(tgt_mask)[:, -1].unsqueeze(1) audio_alibi[:, :, 0] = 0 if output_alignment: alignment[:, i, back_map[0, -1]: back_map[0, -1]+self.hp.phone_context_window] = _align[:, 0, -1].unsqueeze(0) next_idx = (_align[:, 0, -1, 0] < (1 / self.hp.phone_context_window)).long() next_idx[length_counter >= self.hp.length_penalty_max_length] = 1 new_bk = torch.minimum(back_map[:, -1] + next_idx, real_phone_lengths - self.hp.phone_context_window) back_map = torch.cat([back_map, new_bk.unsqueeze(1)], 1) length_counter[next_idx == 0] += 1 length_counter[next_idx != 0] = 0 if i == 0: past_kvs1 = news[:self.hp.dec_nlayers] else: news = [x[:, -1:] for x in news] for ii, (p, n) in enumerate(zip(past_kvs1, news[:self.hp.dec_nlayers])): past_kvs1[ii] = torch.cat([p, n], 1)
inp = self.transducer.encode(output) inp = self.layer_norm(inp) inps = torch.cat([inps, inp], 1) clusters = torch.cat([clusters, output], 1) #N, T, 4 if output_alignment: return final_outputs, alignment[:, :i, :phone.size(1)] return final_outputs